You might think wind is for wussies and solar's for suckers.
But when the International Energy Agency says that wind and solar can
produce up to 30% of electricity needs at little additional cost in
the long term, it's time to listen. Here's what you need to know.
Studies show
The International Energy Association (IEA) recently released its latest study
on wind and solar, and its findings are a far cry from its usual fossil
fuel-centric analysis. Titled The Power of Transformation-Wind, Sun and
the Economics of Flexible Power Systems, this report signals a major
rethink for energy infrastructure everywhere. As IEA Executive Director Maria
van der Hoeven put it:
This new IEA analysis calls for a change of perspective. In
the classical approach, variable renewables are added to an existing system
without considering all available options for adapting it as a whole. This
approach misses the point. Integration is not simply about adding wind and
solar on top of "business as usual." We need to transform the system
as a whole to do this cost-effectively.
Worldwide, wind, and solar currently account for just 3% of
electricity generation. For the U.S., the role of renewables is surprisingly
above-average. From January to November 2013 (most recent data), solar
accounted for just 0.2% of all generation, but wind added on a solid
But this latest report stresses that renewable energy policy
can't be piecemeal. To reach the economies of scale needed to cut costs and
increase affordability, the U.S. and other countries need to follow the lead of
the greenest countries around.
In Italy, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, and Denmark,
wind and solar already account for 10% to more than 30% of all electricity
needs. If countries could be more like Denmark, where wind provided a record
55% of electricity last December, renewable energy might seem a lot less wacky.
Luckily for the U.S., there are several companies already
taking important steps to scale.
Wind winners
Windy weather wouldn't mean much without NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE ) around. With more than 10,200
MW of wind capacity whipping across 19 states, NextEra Energy is our nation's
undisputed wind leader.
But even as NextEra Energy builds out its never-ending wind
farms, General Electric Company (NYSE: GE ) and Dominion Resources (NYSE: D ) are going where no American
establishment has dared to go before: offshore. Sure, NextEra Energy, is the
current lead competitor, but Dominion Resources and General Electric Company
are taking on the sort of scalable projects that we need to really ramp up
While utilities investors probably think of natural gas or
nuclear when Dominion Resources is mentioned, it's recently begun buying up
massive offshore wind leases from the U.S. government.
In September 2012, Dominion Resources grabbed 113,000 acres
off the coast of Virginia, and in February it announced it would bid on two
spots totaling 80,000 acres off of Maryland's mainland.
"Offshore wind shows the most promise for building
utility-sized renewable energy projects in the Mid-Atlantic region," Mary
Doswell, senior vice president for Dominion's alternative energy solutions
unit, said in a press release. "The [Federal] [B]ureau [of Ocean Energy
Management]'s Wind Energy Areas offer both the consistent winds and the acreage
to develop these large-scale projects. Given the proximity to our leased area
off of Virginia and the excellent port in Hampton Roads, there should be
economies of scale that could benefit both regions."
To jump-start its efforts, the Department of Energy has also
awarded Dominion Resources, $4.5 million to cut costs and develop a pilot project,
something that'll be quite useful considering its plans for up to 2,000 MW from
its offshore Virginia assets alone.
As Dominion digs into research, General Electric Company is
rallying its own R&D. The company recently announced a $10 billion
investment in power plant efficiency, less water-intensive natural gas
extraction, and (you guessed it) wind energy. And while the company has been a
stalwart supplier of NextEra Energy turbines, offshore opportunities offer
scale that neither NextEra nor natural gas companies could ever touch.
And even though not a single offshore wind farm currently
exists on U.S. coastline, General Electric already offers a 4.1 MW turbine
built specifically for offshore use. According to government data, offshore
wind offers a whopping 4,000,000 MW of capacity, quadruple our country's
current electricity consumption. General Electric Company already has one
turbine on the offshore market, but with Dominion Resources taking offshore
more seriously, General Electric's probably eyeing its own offshore
4.1 MW offshore turbine, optimized for efficiency and
reliability. Source: General Electric Company.
The energy landscape is changing radically. Oil exports from
America continue to rise as our country gains energy independence. And there is
one company front and center that is poised to make its investors rich.
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