It’s time to start thinking seriously about how to deal with
lots of intermittent generation.
Wind generation accounted for 46 percent of Scotland’s
entire electricity needs in May.
“Market design and the existing network are not geared to
the level of flexibility and adaptation that is required" in the country,
said Aris Karcanias, co-lead of the clean energy practice at FTI Consulting.
"We are challenged as we're dealing with a system
imbalance between generation source and demand pool, an aging grid, generation
at the distributed level, a lack of transparency in data, and an uncertain
regulatory framework often distorted by intervention,"
said Karcanias.
Karcanias said the need to upgrade the grid is becoming “a
meaningful issue” in places such as Scotland where renewable energy penetration
is climbing steeply.
Andy Bradley, director at Edinburgh-based Delta Energy &
Environment, said news of renewables’ record contribution to the Scottish grid
is “fantastic” -- but cautioned that “it’s only one part of the puzzle."
"A lot of other things need to happen," he said.
Advances in power electronics and data analytics tools,
including improved weather forecasting techniques, mean it is now possible to
plan and deal with the power quality and reliability challenge caused by
increasing renewables penetration, he said.
But current legislation is mainly focused on simply
procuring renewable generation at the lowest possible levelized cost of energy
(LCOE) and securing dispatchable generation services.
LCOE does not account for the value of trying to match
electricity generation with demand, which is particularly important for
And the lower the costs, the more it encourages the
integration of intermittent renewables onto the grid. “This results in an
increase in the system LCOE -- the integration costs which the system operators
need to manage, according to Karcanias.
In the U.K., raising renewable penetration above 20 percent
could lead to problems if there are no upgrades to the system or changes in the
market design, Karcanias warned.
Nevertheless, the Scottish experience demonstrates how
existing grids can handle much higher levels over short periods.
According to an analysis by the World Wide Fund for Nature
(WWF) of data provided by WeatherEnergy, Scottish wind power output jumped by nearly
20 percent in May over same period last year.
Wind farms generated enough electricity to supply 100
percent or more of Scottish homes on 11 out of the 31 days in May, the
organization said.
“The results for May are part of a growing trend of onshore
wind increasingly providing Scotland's electricity needs,” Sam Gardner, WWF
Scotland’s acting director, told GTM.
“As capacity grows and technology develops, there is no
doubt renewables will continue to produce the bulk of Scotland's electricity
generation. There is significant additional capacity in development, with
projects in planning or consented to which now total over 12 gigawatts,"
said Gardner.
Rising levels of variable renewable generation should not be
a problem, Karcanias said -- if they are matched by grid infrastructure
improvements, more flexible regulation, increased participation of distribution
system operators and improved data and energy storage.
On grid infrastructure, there is a growing requirement for
network capacity and increased interconnectivity, as well as improved generator
and consumer information flows.
Regulation, meanwhile, needs to accommodate advances in
technology, enable the participation of storage and account for evolving
consumer demands and participation in the energy mix.
The good news: Newer renewable energy projects are behaving
more and more like traditional power plants. Modern wind or solar farms are
increasingly able to improve production forecasts and deliver power quality
services that make it easier for them to be integrated into the grid.
System operators are also well aware of the challenges
presented by increasing renewable penetration, and are actively working on
measures to deal with them.
A Scottish parliamentary committee published a report in February concluding that the grid could
function without existing nuclear or thermal plants.
“The existing network, plus the reinforcements that are
coming, will be able to meet the energy demands in no-wind, high-wind,
low-water and high-water scenarios,” said Julian Leslie, head of electricity
network development at National Grid.
In essence, said Karcanias: “The capability of renewables
needs to be improved to operate with a more efficient security margin, but I
don't believe that in mature markets you're going to experience risk to supply,
as adaptation and innovation is happening across the value chain."
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